Wednesday, 5 May 2010


Since booking our Bestival tickets we've started musing over 'fantasy' costumes...

I'm sure we will expend alot of energy over the next few months wondering what the hell to wear.. plotting and planning... before eventually getting bored and just piling on a ton of grey body paint, grey cloth draped over us and all dignity lost by being 'statues'. This must never happen again.

If only we had flocks of birds to follow us around.

A sulky elephant head.. ?

Via here

Who doesn't want to wear an all-in-one beaver (!?) outfit??

Via here
Rather dandy gentlemen...

 Via here

I particularly like the robotic hands and the tie dye t-shirt to compliment this look...

Via here

Hmn. Does anyone have any ideas?


  1. I got a cool feather headdress which i shall be wearing all summer and its perfect for festivals. There are some pics on my blog if you're interested

  2. Seriously, statues can never happen again, ever.
